Selena Kapral

Selena Kapral

Extreme social media specialist. Amateur twitter buff. Wannabe twitter fanatic. Evil bacon fan. Amateur internet aficionado. General coffee specialist.

44 Total Articles
How do you manage c-ptsd triggers?

How do you manage c-ptsd triggers?

Knowing what situations can trigger it can help increase your sense of control, having a specific plan to regulate...

What is cptsd complex post-traumatic stress disorder?

What is cptsd complex post-traumatic stress disorder?

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) is closely related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, it...

What are the long-term effects of traumatic stress?

What are the long-term effects of traumatic stress?

PTSD can disrupt your entire life: your work, your relationships, your health, and your enjoyment of daily activities....

What lifestyle changes can help someone with c-ptsd?

What lifestyle changes can help someone with c-ptsd?

Walking, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, and other forms of exercise can help reduce physical tension. Exercise can...

Are there any support groups for people with traumatic stress or ptsd/c-ptsd?

Are there any support groups for people with traumatic stress or ptsd/c-ptsd?

The CPTSD Foundation is proud and honored to help survivors of all types of trauma by offering a safe virtual support...

What is an example of traumatic stress?

What is an example of traumatic stress?

Natural disasters, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, or floods Witness shooting or stabbing a person. Post-traumatic...

What are the 5 symptoms of ptsd?

What are the 5 symptoms of ptsd?

Relive aspects of what happened: vivid memories (feeling that the trauma is happening right now), intrusive thoughts or...

What qualifies as a traumatic experience?

What qualifies as a traumatic experience?

A traumatic event is an incident that causes physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological harm. The best definition...

What are the long-term effects of c-ptsd?

What are the long-term effects of c-ptsd?

Feelings of worthlessness, shame, and guilt It's hard for him to feel connected to other people. Relationship problems,...

How can traumatic stress be treated?

How can traumatic stress be treated?

The main treatment is psychotherapy, but it may also include medications. Help you think better about yourself, others...

What is acute traumatic stress?

What is acute traumatic stress?

Acute stress disorder (ASD) is a mental health problem that can occur in the first month after a traumatic event. The...

How long does traumatic stress last?

How long does traumatic stress last?

The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder usually appear soon after the trauma. For most people, these symptoms go...

What is traumatic stress?

What is traumatic stress?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by a frightening event that is...

What medications are used to treat c-ptsd?

What medications are used to treat c-ptsd?

There are several treatment options for CPTSD that can reduce symptoms and help you better control them: sertraline...

How can family and friends help someone with c-ptsd?

How can family and friends help someone with c-ptsd?

If you're not sure how to support a loved one with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, here are some suggestions to...

What causes traumatic stress?

What causes traumatic stress?

Abuse, including child or domestic abuse Exposure to traumatic events at work, including remote exposure Serious health...

How can ptsd be treated?

How can ptsd be treated?

The main treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are talk therapy and medications. Traumatic events can be...

Are there any online resources for people with traumatic stress or ptsd/c-ptsd?

Are there any online resources for people with traumatic stress or ptsd/c-ptsd?

The myPTSD forum helps connect survivors and their supporters with news, information and support from the community about ...

How is c-ptsd diagnosed?

How is c-ptsd diagnosed?

Do everything possible to avoid environments or situations that are thought to cause flashbacks or unpleasant memories....

What is the difference between traumatic stress and ptsd?

What is the difference between traumatic stress and ptsd?

A traumatic event is time-based, while PTSD is a long-term condition in which one continues to have memories and...

How can a person cope with the symptoms of c-ptsd?

How can a person cope with the symptoms of c-ptsd?

If you have complex post-traumatic stress disorder, you may be offered therapies used to treat PTSD, such as...

How can family and friends help someone with ptsd?

How can family and friends help someone with ptsd?

Blaming and speaking negatively won't help fix the situation. Be a good listener.

What causes stress trauma?

What causes stress trauma?

Abuse, including child or domestic abuse Exposure to traumatic events at work, including remote exposure Serious health...

How do you calm down from ptsd?

How do you calm down from ptsd?

Try substantiation techniques, learn your triggers. You may find that certain experiences, situations, or people seem to...

How does traumatic stress affect the body?

How does traumatic stress affect the body?

People with post-traumatic stress disorder may also experience physical symptoms, such as increased blood pressure and...

What types of therapies are used to treat c-ptsd?

What types of therapies are used to treat c-ptsd?

If you have complex post-traumatic stress disorder, you may be offered therapies used to treat PTSD, such as...

What is complex post-traumatic stress disorder (c-ptsd)?

What is complex post-traumatic stress disorder (c-ptsd)?

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD, C-PTSD, complex PTSD) describes the results of continuous and inescapable...

What are the symptoms of severe post-traumatic stress disorder?

What are the symptoms of severe post-traumatic stress disorder?

Common symptoms of PTSD: vivid memories (feeling that the trauma is happening right now), intrusive thoughts or images,...

What are the 3 major elements of ptsd?

What are the 3 major elements of ptsd?

Intrusive memories Disturbing dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event Severe emotional distress or physical...

What is the meaning of traumatic stress?

What is the meaning of traumatic stress?

An anxiety disorder that develops as a reaction to physical injury or to serious mental or emotional distress, such as...

Can you experience a traumatic event and not be traumatized?

Can you experience a traumatic event and not be traumatized?

For many people, symptoms occur late, when the brain is no longer so worried or the person has the opportunity to...

What lifestyle changes can help someone with traumatic stress?

What lifestyle changes can help someone with traumatic stress?

Walking, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, and other forms of exercise often reduce physical tension. It's important to...

What medications are used to treat traumatic stress?

What medications are used to treat traumatic stress?

Four medications are recommended to treat the symptoms of PTSD. These medications are also used to treat depression.

What are some examples of traumatic stress?

What are some examples of traumatic stress?

A traumatic event is an incident that causes physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological harm. As a result, the...

What does ptsd do to a person?

What does ptsd do to a person?

People with post-traumatic stress disorder have intense, unsettling thoughts and feelings related to their experience...

What is the difference between acute and chronic traumatic stress?

What is the difference between acute and chronic traumatic stress?

Acute trauma is a single traumatic event, such as a car accident. Chronic trauma is prolonged or repeated traumatic...

What lifestyle changes can help someone with ptsd?

What lifestyle changes can help someone with ptsd?

Walking, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, and other forms of exercise often reduce physical tension. It's important to...

What does traumatic stress look like?

What does traumatic stress look like?

Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares and intense anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Most ...

What are the symptoms of traumatic stress?

What are the symptoms of traumatic stress?

Changes in physical and emotional reactions: being easily startled or scared, always being alert to danger,...