How can family and friends help someone with c-ptsd?

If you're not sure how to support a loved one with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, here are some suggestions to get you started. Recognize that we don't always know our triggers either. Encourage us to express our pain and anger. Let's let off some steam without trying to fix things.

Give us permission to be imperfect. Being intentional and proactive about a recovery plan can help you prevent re-traumatization and create a safe recovery environment in which a person with complex post-traumatic stress disorder feels personally supported. At a time when you feel ready and open to talking, ask your child to share with you the triggers they've been experiencing lately and what has or hasn't helped them feel safe and protected. It may be difficult for them to talk about triggers, since associations can be painful right away and there may be certain things they don't want to talk about at all.

Let them know that it's okay for them to take their time and share it as they prepare.